Safety is the presence of connection.

‘Safety is not the absence of threat, but the presence of connection.’ — Gabor Mate

We are wired for connection. Feeling isolated & unsupported can actually be the root cause of your suffering, or what is perpetuating it.

Suffering is a part of the human experience, let’s not deny that. However you are able to meet challenging experiences with so much more capacity when you have connection and support networks available.

​​​​​​​Feeling deeply connected to those around us is healing in itself. Finding a resonant therapist that can attune to you is life changing.

We all deserve this. We are wired to connect. It’s a dance between holding yourself & knowing when to be held. And this doesn’t always have to be other humans beings. The earth, the elements are unconditionally and always there to hold. Don’t forget that. ​​​​​​​​



Take your power back!