Integrative Psychotherapy

Mind & body-based therapy to transform your relationship to yourself and those around you.

Learn the language of your body & mind

I support uncommonly curious, sensitive, and deep feeling humans to access truth, authenticity and freedom from within.

  • Do you often think about how you’re feeling rather than feeling your feelings?

  • Do you long for a deeper connection to the truth that lives within your being?

  • Do you want to get to the root cause of the challenges you are experiencing?

  • Do you feel like there are parts of you that you shame or suppress to fit in?

  • Do you wish to shift coping mechanisms that are not serving you?

  • Are you fed up with patterns of people pleasing & staying small?

  • Do you have a passion for inner work and cultivating awareness?

  • Are you looking for an alternative approach to talk therapy?

  • Are you ready for sustainable change through deep inner work?

If this is you, then you are in the right place.

Click below to see how we can best work together

What is it?

This is a space that honours your humanness and wholeness, the mundane and the mystical. It is a meeting place between the body and the mind, where all parts of you are welcome. Bridging the worlds of somatic inquiry and parts work. We will explore your relationship to yourself and the world around you. The focus of these sessions will be on resourcing you with the tools you need to thrive and when appropriate, we will dive into your unconscious patterning to discover the root cause of the challenges you are experiencing. The approach taken is person-centred, trauma-informed, non-pathological and built on a foundation of openness, acceptance, curiosity & compassion. The modalities that I combine are internal family systems, process- oriented psychology, focusing, somatic inquiry, voice dialouge.

How does it work?

A 60 minute online session exploring sensation, feeling, emotion, awareness as it arises in the moment in the body. We will work with what is arising in the present moment and in your life currently. We may explore nervous system patterns, sensory experiences or parts work through voice dialogue. This process relies on the wisdom of the body in the moment. There is nothing that you need to figure out or understand. We may tap into your history as it arises naturally in the moment, however this is not necessarily the focus. Please note: this is NOT talk therapy, and this is NOT a quick fix, we will talk some of the time to cultivate safety and connection, however the purpose of this work is to gain awareness and integration through body inquiry, inner-work and the relational field.

What you MAY receive over time:

  • Space to be able to meet your experience fully

  • Feeling safe to exist within your body and mind

  • Acceptance of all parts of you

  • Deeper connection to yourself and those around you

  • Increased capacity to meet & hold your felt experience

  • Understanding of your nervous system patterns

  • Tools to support your nervous system

  • Space to explore your unconscious patterning

  • Discovery of the root causes at play

  • A sense of compassion for your past, present & future

  • Tools to communicate and relate more effectively

This is for you if you:

  • Are a human being, not in a crisis situation

  • Feel supported & resourced to do deep inner work

  • Are ready to shift old patterns & coping mechanisms

  • Have tried talk therapy & went round in circles

  • Are ready for sustainable change in your life

  • Feel disconnected from your body and feelings

  • Intellectualise instead of feeling your feelings

  • Experience chronic triggers and emotional reactions

  • Have chronic patterns of fight, flight, freeze, fawn

  • Experience chronic anxiety, burn out or stress

  • Have attachment wounds that impact your relationships

Therapeutic Modalities used:


Online Session
(60 mins)

$ 140 AUD

8+ Session Package

$ 120 AUD
*pay as you go